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How To Guest Post On Huffington Post

Therefore, the general rule for featuring a guest post on Huffington Post is: KNOW AND STUDY THE SITE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Once you know your competition, it is easy to create a successful Huffington Post pitch and get answers to how to get an article published on the Huffington Post. When I say amazing, I mean it literally.

If you’ve been reading The Huffington Post (now officially known as HuffPost) for a few years, you know that many of its articles were formerly written by guest bloggers. Over the years, the system has evolved, but writers are still welcome to submit article suggestions for the website.

Visit the social media profiles of influential bloggers in your field as a second strategy. Many may market their guest posts on social media, and others will even mention their recurring guest posting assignments in their profiles or biographies.

These are blogs with a solid reputation in your field, but not necessarily a large number of visitors or social media followers. However, the benefit of guest posting on these sites is that the visitors you do generate will be extremely relevant and so more likely to convert.

How can a guest post be featured on Huffington Post?

Therefore, the general rule for featuring a guest post on Huffington Post is: KNOW AND STUDY THE SITE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Once you know your competition, it is easy to create a successful Huffington Post pitch and get answers to how to get an article published on the Huffington Post. When I say “amazing,” I mean it literally.

If you’ve been reading The Huffington Post (now officially known as HuffPost) for a few years, you know that many of its articles were formerly written by guest bloggers. Over the years, the system has evolved, but writers are still welcome to submit article suggestions for the website.

However, SEO is tricky. Therefore, it is preferable to go with the flow and exert some effort to gain SEO benefits from guest posting on the Huffington Post.

When you become a guest contributor for The Huffington Post, there are no minimum or maximum post requirements during a specific time period. You are free to post as much or as little as you choose. Keep in mind, though, that the more frequently you provide, the more your brand will benefit.

What happened to the Huffington Post’s guest bloggers?

The bad news is that the Huffington Post has removed its unpaid blogging area as of January 2018, making it more difficult to contribute to its guest blog.

HuffPost, formerly known as The Huffington Post and also known as HuffPo, is an American leftist website that provides news and analysis. It was launched in May 2005 by political activist Arianna Huffington, former America Online executive Kenneth Lerer, and Media Lab alumnus from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jonah Peretti.

Midway through 2007, The Huffington Post expanded its coverage to include business and entertainment in addition to news updates. In the years that followed, the site’s emphasis on news grew, particularly in reference to politics, and in 2018, it discontinued its unpaid blogger program.

Your dream of guest posting on a premium website is likely to come true after reading this blog. In reality, this has been our practice.

How can social media be used to promote guest posting?

There are two basic methods for determining where and how to deliver guest posts. The initial step is to contact other websites whose content you wish to share. This is analogous to cold phoning or sending unsolicited emails, especially if you are uncertain as to whether the host site is seeking or would be open to guest content.

The content and backlinks enable you to reach a broader audience and increase brand awareness, which is beneficial for your website’s SEO. How Does One Compose a Guest Post? Writing a guest post for someone else’s website or blog is similar to providing material for your own channels if you’re a freelancer.

You should apply the same approach to writing guest posts as you would any other piece of content: create a catchy headline, outline your material, and execute excellent work. First, type the topic of your discussion into Google:

This might be as basic as a link to a social media page accompanied by a call to action requesting that others follow the account. For a more subtle method to cross-promotion, highlight your presence on other networks in your bio. The conversion of a Snapchat user’s profile picture to their Snapcode works perfectly.

Should you publish guest blog posts?

One of the most frequently asked issues regarding guest blogging is whether you should use your best content for your own site or for guest posts. It relies greatly on the quality of the blog to which you are submitting articles. If the blog has nothing but 900-plus word posts with several screenshots, your piece should follow suit.

Some websites may welcome guest posts, but if the audience is just interested in the blog owner, you will not be able to create authority or drive traffic to your website. Certain types of individuals are more likely to be accepted as guest bloggers by some site owners than others.

Buzzer: Buzzer allows you to schedule social media postings and offers data and analytics. To maximize your chances of being accepted as a guest blogger, you must first gain the blog owner’s recognition. The best approach to accomplish this is to comment on their most recent posts every week or two.

Google is an excellent starting point for the search for chances for guest writing. To locate sites that welcome guest posts, you can use any of the following keyword searches. Simply replace keywords with industry-specific keywords. Keyword research for submitting a guest post

Should your greatest content be used for guest blogging?

No host blog will offer you a definitive yes based just on your proposal. Even if your idea for guest blogging was brilliant, you must demonstrate that you can provide a strong piece of content that is relevant to their target audience, suits their style, and accomplishes a strategic content marketing goal for them.

If the guest post requirements require you to make a topic suggestion, then (based on your research of previously popular posts) provide the site owner with several options from which to choose. One of the most frequently asked issues regarding guest blogging is whether you should use your best content for your own site or for guest posts.

Keeping a close eye on the content published by fellow bloggers on their social networks is an additional method for locating sites that accept guest blogging. Typically, guest bloggers include a link to their guest pieces in their stories, posts, and even tweets. How to Propose Guest Post Ideas?

There are typically three primary objectives for guest posting. Unlock large volumes of SEO traffic with SEO. See real outcomes. Content Marketing – Our team generates extraordinary content that will be shared, draw links, and generate traffic. Paid Media – successful paid tactics with a proven return on investment.

Should guest postings be permitted on your website?

Google generally doesn’t like guest posting. This does not mean, however, that you should not accept guest pieces on your blog. This indicates that you must be more selective. Do not accept guest posts simply because you believe they will improve your website’s traffic. Because the content will help your audience, you should accept them.

Here are seven rules to follow if you intend to allow guest posts: I receive several hundred requests for guest post submissions each week. Do you know why I reject the majority of posts? I want Quick Sprout to remain my personal blog, which necessitates that I will be the primary author.

Because the guest pieces will provide value to your readers, which is the only factor that matters. Search engines like Google want your website’s content to benefit both your viewers and their searchers, regardless of who wrote it. You must ensure that the content you post is exceptional and not merely adequate.

There is no need to provide a login to a guest blogger for your blog. They should email you a document containing the text, which you can then copy and paste into your CMS. In certain instances, if you have a well-organized permission structure in your CMS, you can invite the guest post author to add their content as a draught.

How can you become an invited blogger?

Some would-be guest bloggers worry that they must have a vast amount of blogging expertise or a massive following of their own before their writings would be considered for publication. However, this is not true. Obtaining a guest blog post on a major website is easier than it sounds. With this foundation, your presentation will be successful.

After that, you are free to take your guest post elsewhere and submit it to other blogs where it would be a good fit. In rare instances, the host blogger may wish to publish your article with a TON of modifications. Sometimes, the host blogger will make these modifications; other times, you will be asked to revise your draught.

Thank the blog host (and pitch your next guest blog post) A few days after your piece is published, send an email to the host blogger expressing gratitude for the opportunity. Try to make this email as personal as possible; for example, you may note how friendly and welcoming their readers were, or that your blog’s traffic increased significantly.

Thus, guest blogging is advantageous for the host blog that publishes your guest post, since they receive a free piece of content without having to create it themselves or hire a writer. You will have your name, thoughts, and links to your own blog prominently displayed to possibly thousands of visitors.

How do I identify opportunities for guest writing on my blog?

Here are the seven greatest ways to locate chances for guest blogging to get your list started: Google Search Engine Operators The majority of blogs that accept guest posts will have a page on their website with guest author guidelines. This makes it easy to locate them using a Google search.

For possibilities to write guest posts, you can search forums where members exchange guest blogs they’ve written. They may also give a list of blogs that allow guest posts. These communities can be utilized to discover current and future opportunities.

They will promote their guest blogging content on social media. You should locate further posts they’ve authored on Google. This will help you discover additional websites that welcome guest posts from other writers.

Adding value to other websites is another great method for publishing guest posts. You may use the comment box to contribute relevant information regarding the issue that the author may have overlooked. Or, if the website includes forums, you might utilize them to fix problems that other readers may have.

Is SEO aided by guest posting on the Huffington Post?

In search engine optimization, guest posting is the process of producing a blog article for another website and inserting a link back to your own site. Guest writing is advantageous for SEO because it boosts your website’s exposure, authority, and backlinks. Is SEO Guest Posting Safe?

The bad news is that the Huffington Post has removed its unpaid blogging area as of January 2018, making it more difficult to contribute to its guest blog.

As guest blogging became an established and well-known technique for enhancing SEO, fraudulent bloggers began to publish spam in order to acquire backlinks. As a result, backlinks themselves play a less role in the ranking algorithm. However, this does not imply that guest blogging is declining.

Therefore, the general rule for featuring a guest post on Huffington Post is: KNOW AND STUDY THE SITE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Once you know your competition, it is easy to create a successful Huffington Post pitch and get answers to how to get an article published on the Huffington Post. When I say great, I mean very amazing.


If you’ve been reading The Huffington Post (now officially known as HuffPost) for a few years, you know that many of its articles were formerly written by guest bloggers. Over the years, the system has evolved, but writers are still welcome to submit article suggestions for the website.

Offer an alternative viewpoint on sociological, political, and cultural issues Have a personal touch and communicate emotions, beliefs, and thoughts. Therefore, you need not give much thought to how to locate blogs for guest posting on Huffington Post. Just come up with a theme that has real soul and something that will move the reader’s and editors’ hearts.


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