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How To Write Guest Post Email

Guest post email is an important tool for online marketers. It is the way to share your marketing ideas with a new audience and present your wisdom to them. In this article, you’ll be able to know the email writing techniques and use these techniques effectively for your guest post emails and make them successful.

If you’ve never written a guest post email before, you might be wondering how to get your message across in the most effective and professional possible way? Let’s dive into the article to know about the icebreaking guest post email technique with clear and well-informed examples of what you have to do step-by-step.

Why Is It Important To Write A Guest Post Email?

Why Is It Important To Write A Guest Post Email

The guest post email is an important part of your blog content marketing strategy. It’s the first step in building a relationship with potential blog readers, and it shows that you’re invested in the success of their blog. Here are some reasons why you should write a killer guest post email:

1. It leaves a Lasting Impression

A great guest post email will make a reader feel like they were called directly into your blog for a conversation. Your email will be memorable, and it’ll encourage them to follow your blog for future updates.

2. It’s a Great Way to Get Introductions to Other Blogs

Guest posting is one of the best ways to build credibility and connect with other bloggers. When you write a killer guest post email, you might be able to get introductions from influential bloggers on your topic area that you wouldn’t have been able to otherwise gain access to.

3. It Builds Trust And Rapport

The trust that is built between you and a potential reader through good guest posting etiquette is unforgettable. Sending a well-written, thoughtful email shows that you value their time and opinion, which will help them return the favor when it comes time for increasing your folks by viewing the blog.

Steps Of Constructing The Guest Post Email

When you are writing a guest post email, it is important to follow certain steps so that your email is successful. Here are the steps:

Step-1 Draft the Subject Line

The first step is to draft a catchy and attention-grabbing subject line for your email. This will be the first thing people see when they open your email, so make sure it stands out and catches their eye. Try to include keywords that are related to the topic of your blog post in this line.

For example, if you are writing about wedding planning, consider using a subject line that includes wedding planning keywords such as “planning tips” or “saving money on weddings.”

Step-2 Include An Introductory Hook

When you reach out to write a guest post for your blog, you need to create an introductory hook. This is the mini-story or sentence that introduces the post and piques the reader’s interest. Here’s an example:

“Hey! Are you looking for ideas on how to market your small business? I’ve got just the post for you!

In this post, I’ll show you how I used social media to draw new customers to my shop and increase sales by more than 50%. Will you read it?”

Step-3 Write Your Email Body

Once you have drafted a catchy and attention-grabbing subject line, it’s time to write the body of your email. In this section, you will want to provide all the details about your guest post, including the name of the blogger who wrote it and when it was published.

You should also mention any resources that were used in writing the post, such as articles or books. Finally, be sure to ask if the blogger would like you to share the link to the post on your blog.

Step-4 Tie It Together With A Short Conclusion

The goal of the email is to introduce the blogger’s blog and to highlight a recent post that the guest posted. The conclusion of the email should include a reminder about how readers can connect with the guest blogger.

Make sure to close with a sincere invite to guest post on their blog. In most cases, bloggers will be happy to have someone share their content and promote it. Include a short conclusion. Summarize the main points of your post.

Step-5  Include An Appropriate Salutation And Email Signature

When emailing a guest post, always include the appropriate salutation and email signature. The salutation is how you introduce yourself to the author of the guest post. The email signature is where you include your contact information and website/blog. For example:

Hello, {name}, I’m interested in blogging on your site. Would you be interested in featuring one of my articles next time around? Please let me know! Thank you, {name}

Step-6 Ensure Your Email Is Properly Formatted

One of the most important things to remember when writing an email is to make sure your email is properly formatted. This includes ensuring each line is capped with a new line and that all text is properly confined within the allotted space.

Additionally, using proper grammar and punctuation can go a long way in making your email look professional and convey the desired message. Make sure and recheck all the components of email are included properly.

What Should Be Included In A Guest Post Email?

What Should Be Included In A Guest Post Email

When submitting a guest post for a new blog, there are several and important things you should include in your email. The following should be included in guest post email:

  1. A brief introduction and bio of the author
  2. The topic of the post (ideally a teaser sentence)
  3. A link to the full post or article on the author’s website
  4. Current blog URL
  5. Telephone number or mailing address (optional)
  6. Twitter handle or other social media identifier
  7. Any images used in the post
  8. Author bio (may be from website, if applicable)
  9. Your name


If you’re thinking of submitting a guest post to a blog, email is one of the best ways to get set up. By writing an introductory email that outlines the article and why you think it would be a good fit for the blog, you’ll open up more dialogue and possibly score a published post from the blogger, which will help your name circulate online. Don’t forget to include your contact information so that the blogger can reach out if they have any questions or concerns about your proposed post.


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